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Ukrainian Nazi veteran receives standing ovation in Canada's House of Commons

Ukrainian Nazi veteran receives a standing ovation in Canada's House of Commons
The Ukrainian Parlement Building

In a startling turn of events, the speaker of Canada's House of Commons, Anthony Rota, has issued a sincere apology for his commendation of Yaroslav Hunka, a Ukrainian man known to have served in a Nazi unit during World War Two. The incident took place during a visit by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, when Hunka received a standing ovation in parliament, triggering severe outrage and condemnation from the Canadian Jewish group CIJA and many others. In this article, we delve into this controversial incident, its implications, and the subsequent apology issued by Speaker Anthony Rota.

1. The Celebration of Yaroslav Hunka:

During Ukrainian President Zelensky's visit to Canada, the House of Commons became a stage for an unintended controversy. Anthony Rota, the speaker, mistakenly identified Yaroslav Hunka in the parliamentary gallery and praised him as a "hero," resulting in a standing ovation from the members present. However, this act of recognition

2. The Troubled History of Yaroslav Hunka:

It was later revealed that Yaroslav Hunka had served in a division of the Nazi regime during World War Two. The division he was associated with played an active role in the genocide of Jews, an atrocity never to be forgotten. The fact that a veteran with such a dark past received applause in a democratic institution sparked outrage within the Jewish community and beyond.

3. The Canadian Jewish Group CIJA's Response:

The Canadian Jewish group CIJA expressed deep concern over the incident, highlighting the pain and trauma inflicted on Jewish communities during the Holocaust. They condemned the celebration of an individual involved in perpetrating such atrocities and stressed that such occurrences should never be allowed to happen again.

4. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Presence:

Significantly, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was present in parliament at the time of this incident. While no immediate response was reported, it is expected that the Canadian government will take the necessary steps to address the issue appropriately.

5. Speaker Anthony Rota's Apology:

Recognizing the gravity of his mistake, Speaker Anthony Rota issued a formal apology for his initial commendations. In his statement, Rota acknowledged that subsequent revelations about Hunka's past made him regret his decision to recognize him in the first place. The apology is an essential step towards rectifying the harm caused.


1. Q: How did Yaroslav Hunka end up being praised in the Canadian parliament?

A: Yaroslav Hunka was mistakenly identified and praised by Speaker Anthony Rota during a visit by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

2. Q: What unit did Yaroslav Hunka serve in during World War Two?

A: Yaroslav Hunka served in a division of the Nazi regime, which played a role in the genocide of Jews.

3. Q: Which organization expressed concern over the celebration of Yaroslav Hunka?

A: The Canadian Jewish group CIJA expressed deep concern over the incident and condemned the celebration of an individual associated with Nazi atrocities.

4. Q: Did Prime Minister Justin Trudeau respond to the incident?

A: While no immediate response was reported, it is expected that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Canadian government will address the issue appropriately.

5. Q: How did Speaker Anthony Rota address his mistake?

A: Speaker Anthony Rota issued a formal apology, recognizing the gravity of his mistake and expressing regret for his initial commendation of Yaroslav Hunka.

Conclusion: Ukrainian Nazi veteran receives standing ovation

The inadvertent celebration of Yaroslav Hunka, a Ukrainian man associated with a Nazi unit during World War Two, in Canada's House of Commons has stirred controversy and drawn widespread condemnation. The Canadian Jewish group CIJA rightfully expressed deep concern, emphasizing the need to prevent such incidents in the future. Speaker Anthony Rota's timely apology demonstrates a commitment to rectifying the situation and upholding the values of inclusivity and respect. The incident should spark reflection on the importance of thoroughly vetting individuals honoured within public forums to avoid undermining historical atrocities and perpetuating pain. Let us hope that such a regrettable incident will serve as a lesson, reinforcing the need for sensitivity and awareness in our pursuit of a just and inclusive society.

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