If you thought online shopping was a new concept, then think again? As in 1984, a 72-year-old grandmother, Mrs Jane Snowball, living in Gateshead United Kingdom was given a new Videotex terminal which allowed her to order her groceries using both a tv and remote control, making her the first known person to shop online.
Later, the same principle would form the base of what would become known as the Videotex terminal, a giant step towards what we now know as an "online shopping experience."
Authors note: While researching this short narrative, I suddenly realized how vital this master-stroke of entrepreneurship was, especially in times of hardship akin to the horrific pandemic COVID-19, we are all suffering from today.
If you have enjoyed reading this short narrative, then you may also be interested in looking at one of today's modern online shopping centres BargainBrute.Com, a family run business, who by using good practices have once again been voted America's favourite place to shop online in 2020.
Steve Simmonds
Credits and Sources: Photo: Mrs Snowball shopping from home using her remote control and TV, Gateshead Council, BBC.UK